For 350K, I'd buy another building and rent it out to someone else and be a landlord! For the license fee for CV to work at 4 grand a pop on 24 seats, you'd be up to about 350k as you explained with your 250k already invested. If so I'd love to hear about them so I can speak with them.

This is the holy grail, yet NO ONE seems to be able to get it it 100% without a considerable investment such as you have made, and still when you dig deep it's at about 85% working. I kind of shelved it years ago, along with what I did with 2020 shopware but I'm planning on getting shopware up and running this year. Man, it sounds like you have some serious money invested in this! I own CV Solid as well, I'm about 60 grand into software myself, and I never like the graphics quality, it does do what you want it to though, I agree, it does take a long time to set it all up to do what you want it to do though. An example of this is Microvellum but in Australia (where I am) they were let down badly by the local dealers who were a bunch of ripoff artists. If I was starting again, I'd almost certainly chuck everything and go with an Autocad based solution - you can get effectively ANYTHING for Autocad so photorealistic renders, CNC drivers etc all available. CV's 3D images aren't as good as 20-20 but certainly acceptable. It's not something that would work for anyone else.Ĭabinet Vision is excellent at doing what it's supposed to do especially CV8 and there is a plan to drop 2020Design in favour of CV8 - the only thing holding us back is the cost - we have 24 20-20 seats and CV Designer is $4K per seat. In the same way, we export from that system to Cabinet Vision for generating nested GCode for our Biesse CNCs. It copes with custom cabinet sizes and certain customisation on other cabinets such as tall oven units. AU$250,000 - as part of this, we developed a mapping system that imports a 20-20 Design XML export file and maps it onto part codes in the quoting system. We have a custom web based pricing and project management system that cost approx.